Back in the 1980s, that pesky little rascal Iran, was considered not so pesky and so the US was selling them weapons.
Naughty you might think. Well it got naughtier, using the profits made from selling weapons to Iran, the US would then fund the Contras in Nicaragua in their fight against the Communist Sandinista Government.
Now all this may feel like a history lesson but I'm going somewhere with it.
As we all know, and have known for over 50 years now, Communists are the worst form of people. Ever. And currently Nicaragua is lead by a Sandinista - Daniel Ortega.

So it comes with a great deal with sadness that Benny Watch reports that Benny has come out in support of Nicaragua, he has congratulated them on making abortion illegal and especially for standing up to pressure from the U.N over the abortion issue.
Well done Nicaragua. You are officially retardo-nation of the week. Making abortion illegal doesn't prevent it's occurrence, it just takes it from the medical community and into the back alleys. If you want to see what a homemade abortion kit looks like, click here.
There is a paragraph from the above linked article which Benny watch feels compelled to print,
"The pope also referred to the Nicaraguan parliament's decision to reauthorize the country's law that prohibits all abortions, including those for rape and incest or to save the life of the mother.
"It should be considered very positive that last year the National Assembly approved the revocation of therapeutic abortion," he said."
"It should be considered very positive that last year the National Assembly approved the revocation of therapeutic abortion," he said."
There is no joke there folks. Just an awful taste in the mouth.